ABCCM was blessed on Tuesday, Sept. 12, to serve alongside our friends from New Life Church of Asheville as they provided breakfast to 250 Florida residents who evacuated their homes to escape Hurricane Irma. Camp Cedar Cliff at The Cove had graciously opened for the families to stay during the worst of the storm and the aftermath. Reverend Rick Schilling, ABCCM’s ministry development officer, and Reverend Caleb Bradshaw, ABCCM’s community outreach coordinator and himself a New Life Church member, joined others from New Life for the pancake breakfast.
There were plenty of leftovers, which New Life Church didn’t want to see go to waste. Reverend Bradshaw transported the leftover breakfast to ABCCM’s Veterans Restoration Quarters to be served later that day. Thank you New Life and The Cove for sharing this opportunity to serve and your support of our own ministry!