“Take our hands, work through them. Take our lips, speak through them. Take our minds, think through them. Take our hearts, set them on fire.”

ABCCM provides 160 beds of transitional housing and 40 beds for emergency shelter* and 50 units of permanent supportive housing for a total of 250 beds.

Restoring lives is through four developmental phases called Steps to Success.  These include

  1. Stabilization, with all the basic necessities provided;
  2. Life Skills Training, with over 60 volunteer courses to choose from including Bible studies;
  3. Education and Professional Training Certifications that lead to living wage jobs; and 
  4. Reintegration that leads to permanent housing.

We are honored to report that 8 out of 10 leave us with a living wage job and permanent housing

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a principle-based environment and a comprehensive residential program that addresses every area of restoration in the life of a Veteran experiencing homeless. ABCCM’s Veterans Restoration Quarters (VRQ), creates a principle-based environment and comprehensive residential program that addresses every area of restoration in the life of a homeless veteran.* We work to provide each man with stability, personal skill building, educational and training opportunities leading to employment and housing along with the restoration of personal dignity, faith and strength.

Our ministry accomplishes its mission through the diligent and compassionate efforts of trained staff, volunteers and community partners. Over 240 men reside nightly on the VRQ campus, a former 125 room motel. Our Veterans are provided housing, meals, case management services, counseling, laundry facilities, a computer lab, a chapel and transportation to VA Medical Center appointments. Every effort is made to provide each man with the tools, direction and encouragement needed to arrive at genuine success and full restoration.

My life has changed. I am not hopeless, but hopeful.”
— VRQ Resident

 *The VRQ serves only men, but women are given the same opportunities at Transformation Village for women and children.

Opportunities to Serve

To serve with us, please email ruth.lolo@abccm.org. Your first step will be to set up a tour of the property and discuss service opportunities that work for you and your schedule.

  • Cook teams – help prepare and serve meals (group activity)
  • Barbers/beauticians – provide hair cuts to our men.
  • Work teams – build and complete ongoing beautification projects on our campus
  • Teachers & Facilitators – lead classes such as Bible studies, art, music, computer skills, life skills in the areas of communication, esteem building, emotion management, financial counseling, housing
  • Front desk receptionists
  • Data entry clerk
  • Entertainment – singing, musical performances, skits and other creative efforts
  • Chaplains – listen to residents and offer spiritual information and prayer
  • In-kind gifts – see list below:

Most Needed Donations:

  • Men’s new boxer briefs (Medium – 2XL, some 3XL)
  • Men’s new undershirts (Medium – 2XL, some 3XL)
  • Men’s jeans/casual pants (waist sizes 30-32, any lengths)
  • Spray can air freshener  
  • Shampoo
  • Toothpaste
  • Sneakers/Tennis shoes (All sizes, especially wide shoes)
  • Slippers (All sizes)
  • Body wash/Shower gel (the men would love this gift!)

Ongoing Needs:

● Men’s Clothing
● Food
● Deodorant
● Shampoo
● Coffee & coffee supplies
● Towels and kitchen towels
● Laundry detergent
● Wash cloths
● Commercial Kitchen Equipment
● Stainless steel kitchen tables
● Weed eaters
● Mowers
● Work Boots and Tennis Shoes

● Bus tickets
● Backpacks
● Prepaid cell phone or phone cards
● 15 person passenger van
● Vehicles for residents
● Spray Can Air Freshener/Disinfectant
● Coats
● Paint Brushes 2-3 inch
● Lawn Fertilizer
● Flowers
● Shrubs
● Hardwood or Evergreen Trees
● Grass seed


Volunteer Opportunities

American Legion Post 526

The VRQ is home to American Legion Post 526, the only American Legion post located in a facility for homeless veterans. For more information, call (828) 259-5368.

Contact Us

1329 Tunnel Rd., Asheville, NC 28805
(828) 259-5333 (P)
(828) 398-6622 (Veterans’ Intake Line)
(828) 298-7486 (F)

Marcus Laws, Director
Ruth Lolo, Volunteer Coordinator

Get Help

Are you in need of shelter? Our staff is ready to talk to you.

Hurricane Helene Relief Fund