Return to Bethlehem

“A Journey of the Heart” 

Participant Sign-Up Sheet


Each Christmas season, ABCCM presents Return to Bethlehem, a live drama depicting Bethlehem as it might have been at the time of Jesus’ birth. This is a special thank you gift from ABCCM to our community. Bethlehem comes to life because of talented, dedicated volunteers – like you – who make it happen. We invite you to join the ABCCM family in our “Journey of the Heart”


Cast Opportunities

There are a variety of speaking and non-speaking parts for people of all ages. We attempt to cast families together where appropriate, but those spaces are limited. Children must be mature enough to realize the importance of remaining in character throughout the performance. The following information will aid with casting:

If the answer is Yes from the previous question please list the name, age and character for each person

Please check ALL the days & times that you would be available to participate. Newcomers especially should attend a rehearsal on Monday, Dec. 9th, 6 pm at Groce United Methodist Church, 954 Tunnel Rd. You will receive a script and confirmation of your performance times in the mail.

You will need to be present an hour prior to your assigned shift. We stop receiving the public at 8:30 (or when corresponding Hebrew family names are given). Cast times are scheduled ‘til 9:00 in case there are large crowds in which case the cast might stay later than 8:30.

I am willing to work:

The performance requires 15 Holy Families. Holy Families with babies, birth to three months at the time of the performance, for 75 minute shifts (indoors). If you can be a Holy Family, or can suggest friends with a new baby, please call Cheryl Wilson at 259 5326.

Performers provide holiday entertainment for a 30 minute set in the church sanctuary while people await their journey through Bethlehem. To arrange for a performance time, indicate in the selection below or please call Cheryl Wilson at 259 5326.

Support Personnel

There are a variety of needs for people who want to help, but prefer not to perform. If you would like to help, call Cheryl Wilson at 259 5326.