Ron Botsford has been a volunteer chaplain for ABCCM and the Veterans Restoration Quarters for over 20 years. Ron was in the Air Force and served during the Vietnam War. He continued in the Air National Guard and retired as a Major after 20 years combined service. While in the Air National Guard, Ron completed studies for ordination and was ordained in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A). He served as the pastor of four churches from 1972-1995. After retiring, he served as an interim pastor of three local churches. He has faithfully served our Veterans as a mentor, counselor, spiritual advisor and most importantly, friend. Ron has also taught Bible classes and conducted a journaling group, which allowed participants to channel past experiences into a cathartic outlet.

Ron’s wife of 60 years, Pat, recently passed away. Just two days after her passing, Ron was back at the VRQ volunteering and serving our men. What a testament to Ron’s dedication and heart of service!
On March 29, Ron was presented with the Distinguished Volunteer Service Award for his many years of dedicated service. ABCCM is proud and blessed to have a man of Ron’s caliber as a volunteer. He is truly a man of God and a faithful servant to his fellow Veterans.